Okay 1st of it is very hard to be objective when every second word Zoho writer changes my font. Overall it was very similar to Microsoft Word (but I guess that is sort of the point).
The good
Generally very easy to figure out and very similar to Microsoft Word. There is a variety of applications which can all be acessed through 1 account. It was relatively easy to sign up especially through my google account created for blogger and that you can publish to your blog from it. Haven't tried it yet but lets hope it goes well....and most importantly it's FREE
The bad
Like i said it kept changing my font which drove me nuts for the first 10 mins. Doesn't offer as many options in some aspects.Have to have the net avalible And I personally prefer the Microsoft Word 2007 layout.
And the confusing
Questions Questions .....????
It is compatible with Microsoft Word?
But more importantly how much space is each account allocated for saving?

I must scream it to the world, my excitement from the top of someplace very high. Do you know many Ferraris?
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