The Final thing

The Final thing

I am relieved that I have completed Web training 2.0…..keep in mind that the fact that I would finish was never a sure thing…. In fact for a while there after September I was sure of the complete opposite that it would never end.

Think I am being dramatic…. ask any Clendon staff the 23 things had built to epic proportions, my deadline was looming and I had whining perfected down to an art (not that that took much work)

And in writing this am I in no way saying that I did not learn heaps from it……in fact it was quite the opposite but that doesn’t mean I learned it gracefully(I don’t think that is even within my capabilities)

I wouldn’t be true to myself if I didn’t preach it back….

1. If I am in an optimistic mood a maximum of 5 people have read any or all of my posts

2. Miserable templates for blogger which work are hard to find sometimes Misery has to be Happy (for lack of choice)

3. Google is the best thing since sliced bread

4. Pictures (especially of cartoon) helps (me anyway) and makes things look good

5. Personalities come across peoples blogs so being able to be anonymous is nice

6. It’s nice to discover something new but writing about something you know makes you feel smart

7. Having other staff members to discuss frustrations with helps

Thanks to anyone who reads my ramblings and thanks for those who set this up

Nine of Nine Part 3 of 3


This unlike the previous post is something I have actually heard of and use. Ebooks are great especially with portable reading devices. Although realistically if you don’t want to pay for them, you may have to resign yourself to reading mainly Classical well known titles like “Pride and Prejudice” and “The Iliad”. This is great if your anything like me and are planning on reading some Classic novels but not so good if you either;

A. Can’t stand them
B. Or have read it all already

Well then there is always Amazon and other a heap of other sites to buy popular titles from. I like a lot of people like reading from a book rather than a computer (much better experience) but there are pluses to Ebooks including it being better for the environment, better accessibility and cheaper.

Anyway I digress I did find some titles on Project Gutenberg which I wouldn’t mind reading (I guess I have to prove it with examples) like The adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Aesop’s fables. It is available in a variety of formats including HTML, txt, Plucker (never heard of this one), AVI, CSS, DVI, EPS, GIF and ISO. The variety of the formats is great gives options as to how to read it.

Nine of Nine Part 2 of 3


I have to honestly admit at this point that before doing this post i had no idea what podcasts were which is needless to say sad especially as it was "word of the year". Well I guess the point of this exercise is to learn something new right??? Good now I feel completely justified.

All in all this was an interesting blog post to research for. I visited both the websites which were listed. On the whole I much preferred The website was easier to navigate and the podcasts were provided in mp3 and mp4 format as opposed to having to join something or other and download a program.

Ok here is where my geekiness is in full effect (and proud of it). I added the RSS feed of Wild Chronicles Digital Shorts to my bloglines account. It is a very interesting channel but very few episodes as of yet. I also found other channels of interest for example a channel on intelligent design. As to the question in the 2nd post in which i wondered if my bloglines account would be of use.....well it hasn't.

We've been ratted out, boys.

Nine of Nine Part 1 of 3

You Tube

U Turn 30 000 Subs

This is a nice Dominoes Video. It's amazing but mainly just two things come into mind
1. People have this much time???
2. And What's with the Cat??

Need I say exploring YouTube was no hardship. It was hard to find something interesting and library appropriate. What I like most about it is that it doesn’t require registration to watch Videos. Anyway enjoy.

Eight of Nine Part 2 of 2

Web 2.0 Tools

This was fun mainly because I decided to choose a web tool from the winners of the fun and entertainment category. Actually not a winner but an honourable mentions Guess-the-Google.
This is a spinoff of Montage-a-google (yeah I never heard of it either) which finds pictures based on a random keyword. The idea is to get points by guessing the keyword in the least time and least guesses as possible to get points (Montage-a-google is the opposite).

If anyone wants to give it a go

I also had the chance to try out several other web tool including a cocktail builder and hairmixer.

Eight of Nine Part 1 of 2

Zoho Writer

Okay 1st of it is very hard to be objective when every second word Zoho writer changes my font. Overall it was very similar to Microsoft Word (but I guess that is sort of the point).


The good

Generally very easy to figure out and very similar to Microsoft Word. There is a variety of applications which can all be acessed through 1 account. It was relatively easy to sign up especially through my google account created for blogger and that you can publish to your blog from it. Haven't tried it yet but lets hope it goes well....and most importantly it's FREE

The bad

Like i said it kept changing my font which drove me nuts for the first 10 mins. Doesn't offer as many options in some aspects.Have to have the net avalible And I personally prefer the Microsoft Word 2007 layout.

And the confusing

Questions Questions .....????

It is compatible with Microsoft Word?

But more importantly how much space is each account allocated for saving?

I must scream it to the world, my excitement from the top of someplace very high. Do you know many Ferraris?

Seven of Nine

Social Networking

Best get it out of the way first my social networking website of choice is Facebook.…. Granted I am a relatively young member but early warning the rest of the post may be slightly biased.

Did a little research (in other words typed in Wikipedia) and found that it was setup in 2005 so it is the youngest of the social networking websites which were visited. It currently employs 300 people (imagine being paid to be on Bebo). As for something new and unknown bebo is an acronym of Blog early, blog often.
I choose not to register (read earlier post of all my phobias).
Looks relatively simple and an added advantage is that a lot of my friends are on bebo.

The oldest of the websites visited. It is marketed as ‘A place for friends’. Probably one of the most popular website worldwide so really easy to find changeable temples on the internet. Very few of my friends are members which is really the point. Further investigation required registration.

Definitely know the most about this one and most explored mainly because I am a member. I find bebo and my space to have more similarities than facebook. Most of my friends are member and allows a range of communication aside from posting. It does have it’s frustrating moments but overall my fav. Hennepin County Library is a relatively good profile. It had a really good widget which allow search through the catalogue.

A Like I said biased…..