Library 2.0
Inherently I think that all the ideas are the same that the internet has made obtaining information easier and libraries have to adapt and include new technologies as part of the way that we provide patrons with information. I think that the major difference is of the way in which different libraries view libraries now. From the different perspectives I read I enjoyed Away from Icebergs
“No profession can survive if it throws its core principles and values overboard in response to every shift in the zeitgeist. However, it can be equally disastrous when a profession fails to acknowledge and adapt to radical, fundamental change in the marketplace it serves”
But then I am fickle (first article read and being short helped its cause)…..
I also agreed with the opinions in To a temporary place in time which stated
“Libraries are not merely in communities, they are communities: they preserve and promote community memories; they provide mentors not only for the exploration of stored memory, but also for the creation of new artifacts of memory”
And that’s my 2 cents….
“No profession can survive if it throws its core principles and values overboard in response to every shift in the zeitgeist. However, it can be equally disastrous when a profession fails to acknowledge and adapt to radical, fundamental change in the marketplace it serves”
But then I am fickle (first article read and being short helped its cause)…..
I also agreed with the opinions in To a temporary place in time which stated
“Libraries are not merely in communities, they are communities: they preserve and promote community memories; they provide mentors not only for the exploration of stored memory, but also for the creation of new artifacts of memory”
And that’s my 2 cents….

'What a pretty fire"
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