I am relieved that I have completed Web training 2.0…..keep in mind that the fact that I would finish was never a sure thing…. In fact for a while there after September I was sure of the complete opposite that it would never end.
Think I am being dramatic…. ask any Clendon staff the 23 things had built to epic proportions, my deadline was looming and I had whining perfected down to an art (not that that took much work)
And in writing this am I in no way saying that I did not learn heaps from it……in fact it was quite the opposite but that doesn’t mean I learned it gracefully(I don’t think that is even within my capabilities)
I wouldn’t be true to myself if I didn’t preach it back….
1. If I am in an optimistic mood a maximum of 5 people have read any or all of my posts
2. Miserable templates for blogger which work are hard to find sometimes Misery has to be Happy (for lack of choice)
3. Google is the best thing since sliced bread
4. Pictures (especially of cartoon) helps (me anyway) and makes things look good
5. Personalities come across peoples blogs so being able to be anonymous is nice
6. It’s nice to discover something new but writing about something you know makes you feel smart
7. Having other staff members to discuss frustrations with helps
Thanks to anyone who reads my ramblings and thanks for those who set this up